Our Mission
The mission of Chambers Family Ministries is to love and serve others and to take “The Life Changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to Families Everywhere by Whatever Means Necessary”.
Phillip Chambers
Phillip Chambers
Phillip has a passion for carefully unpacking Scripture and Teaching/Preaching Gods Word, leading enthusiastic meaningful worship services which is more than just singing songs, missionary work and has a heart for ALL of Gods people. The desire of Phillips heart is to bring people to the feet of Jesus in worship and adoration.
What we believe:
We believe The Bible to be the inerrant words of God given to man through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We believe God is full of grace and mercy offering second chances and fresh starts to all who have been broken. Lamentations 3:22-23
Bible Centered Teaching and Preaching – We believe Bible centered teaching and preaching is the catalyst to change lives and strengthen people; it reveals what to believe and how to live. (Acts 2:42; 2 Tim 2:2; 3:14-17; 4:2; 2 Pet. 2:2)
Prayer – We believe in the power of individual and corporate prayer, our lifeline to the Father. (Heb. 4:14-16).
Evangelism and The Great Commission – We believe as followers of Christ, we are to fulfill the Great Commission by spreading the gospel of hope to all people, helping them to connect to a local church, and maturing them in the faith. (Matt. 28:18-20).
Family – We believe the Lord values families and intends for them to be an expression of His grace, mercy, and love to the world.
Praise and Worship – We believe we were created to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth with other believers and in our everyday lives. (John 4:24; Acts 2: 42-43, 46)
Giving and Tithing – We believe every believer should give the first ten percent of their monthly income as a tithe and offerings to other Christian endeavors as God provides.
People – We believe all people are important to God and as God’s people we should value and practice Christ-like relationships.
Fellowship/Community – We believe all believers should belong to a local church where God’s people mutually encourage and support one another in love.